Our Solution
R-Tech proposes a solution for improved R-Tech will help you make RBM (Risk Based Management), RBI (Risk-based Inspection), RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) transparent and affordable in all kinds of process and other industrial plants!. This solution is based on:
  • innovative, but recognized methodologies used also by large companies, and
  • use of intelligent and other state-of-the-art methods and software tools
  • reliable and adaptable forms of implementation (our deliverables) at the client’s site.
R-Tech’s solution provides support for the client to understand the major items needed to understand the RBM, RBI, RCM approaches like:
  • Introduction to RBM, RBI, RCM approaches, including recognized approaches like those of API (American Petroleum Institute), EU and similar
  • Principles of RBM, RBI, RCM approaches
  • Assessment of Damage, including e.g. Thinning and Cracking mechanisms, External Damage and other types of damage
  • Assessment and Validation of Data
  • Assessment of Likelihood of Failure
  • Assessment of Consequence of Failure
  • Assessment and Determination of Risk
  • Inspection Planning
  • Conducting RBM, RBI, RCM projects and studies
< In most refining and chemical process plants, a large portion of the total unit risk is concentrated in a relatively small percentage of the equipment items. These potential high risk components may require a greater degree of attention than others, so knowing which areas to prioritize becomes paramount. The R-Tech solution is based on API Publication 581, Base Resource Document – Risk-Based Inspection. It allows to do the following:
  • Screen operating units within a plant to identify areas of high risk
  • Estimate a risk value associated with the operation of each equipment item in a refinery or chemical process plant based on a consistent methodology
  • Prioritize the equipment based on the measured risk.
  • Design an appropriate inspection program
  • Systematically manage the risks associated with equipment failures
RBI defines the risk of operating pressurized process equipment as the combination of two separate elements: the consequence of failure and the likelihood of failure.

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